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New Year’s Resolution

A New Year New Year’s Resolution Tips Well, it’s that time of the year once again where hundreds of thousands, if not millions of people across the country decide “enough is enough of the past and now for the future”. New Year’s resolutions have been around for quite some time. This tradition actually dates back […]

Opinion on Addiction

ONE OPINION ON DRUG & ALCOHOL ADDICTION Most of us are quite aware when someone close or not so close is using some form of illicit drug or misusing a prescription medication. You can actually see in the person various indicators, physical and psychological that tell us, “Hum…, something is not right here with Joe”. […]

Youth Addiction Treatment Centers

Youth Addiction Treatment Centers Exposure to Substance Abuse As addiction goes across Canada we normally see it with adults but in the majority of cases the addiction to drugs or alcohol began many years before. Whether the addiction is to street drugs, prescription drugs or alcohol the person began at some point in their life […]