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Your Body vs Drugs

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Your Body vs Drugs

Everyone Knows Drugs are Bad It’s one of those things that “everybody knows”: drugs are bad for you. Well, that’s just a big generality because it is quite another issue to actually understand what it means. Those of us who have been in the grip of drug addiction or know someone who is struggling with […]

Environments & Drug Rehabs

Struggles with Addiction & Recovery The Importance of the Environment When a person is struggling with drug addiction or alcohol abuse and needs help, the first thing on their mind is getting through the physical and emotional pain. Following the attempt to quit their substance of choice comes withdrawal symptoms. Anyone who has ever been […]

Canada day 2015

Drug-free Day Canada! Happy Canada Day will be shouted by everyone, from Halifax Nova Scotia to Victoria BC this July first. Canada day celebrates the confederation of the various provinces into a united country and each year in cities and communities from coast to coast various celebrations will be organized and bring cheers to all. […]

Government and Addiction

Our Government and Addiction Solutions It’s a well-known fact that drugs and alcohol abuse are a daily occurrence in our present society. There exists a wealth of information on the internet and in documents across Canada, stating the terrible conditions that surround anyone struggling with some form of drug addiction.  In 2015, the Honourable Rona […]