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Biophysical Treatment

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Many drug addiction treatment centres will not offer the biophysical step in their addiction treatment. The reasons are either that they do not have the staff to deliver it, or they do not fully agree with handling this aspect of substance abuse. There is some research in the addiction field that validates this action to assist in the treatment of drug or alcohol addiction.

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Biophysical Treatment Aspect

Most of the public access drug treatment centres do not offer biophysical treatment associated with drug addiction. This approach is, in fact, viewed by some rehab centres as a vital part of recovery. Many treatment centres using this method will include exercise, nutritional supplements, and some will use a sauna sweating step.

One of the main ways to address the effects of drugs on the body is through biophysical treatment. Eliminating these effects is the first step. Then counselling can start. That is the concept behind this method of treatment.

The Philosophy Behind Biophysical Treatment

The philosophy behind this treatment approach is simple. When attempting to handle the psychological effects of drug abuse before addressing the physical aspects, you often get a negative response.  The weakened and numbed-out state of the person makes any attempt of counselling harder. Though many have done it and live a drug-free life without addressing the physical aspect, it requires strong self-determinism and willpower.

When a person takes drugs of any kind, they may think that the body eliminates the toxin after a few days. Some research has shown there are drug particles that remain in the body. Over time these minute particles accumulated with usage and under physical activity will get released back into the bloodstream. This circumstance will cause a person to crave drugs or alcohol and facilitate relapse.

Drugs and alcohol attack nerve tissues, blood vessels, brain cells, and a whole list of other body functions. Most addicted persons arrive in a state of dehydration, malnutrition, and overall numbed condition. It makes for a very rough psychological treatment program for the addict. Addressing the physical effects of drug addiction first eliminates the barriers often encountered in psychological treatment.

Most biophysical models have a very natural approach. According to counsellors that have worked with this method, the person is easily approachable and responsive after this step. The recovery success rate increases as compared to those persons not receiving any biophysical treatment.

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More Information

Call our toll-free number today if you would like more information on private drug addiction treatment centres that incorporate biophysical treatment or simply want to find the best treatment method for yourself or a loved one.

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