1 888-488-8434
Referral Service
Private Treatment Centers
in Canada
To receive immediate assistance for private drug addiction treatment, please call and talk with one of our drug addiction counselors. We know how difficult drug addiction can be on family and friends, sometimes having someone to talk with can bring some ease. Our drug rehab referral counselors have worked in the field of substance abuse for over twenty years. They can answer all your questions about treatment options and drug rehab centers in Nova Scotia.
1 888-488-8434
Toll-free Number
Similar to any other large city in Nova Scotia, Dartmouth has its share of drug addiction problems and a need for drug rehab centers. Most family members will find the public access centers to be either full with a waitlist. But drug addiction cannot be put on hold, things will only get worse. But there are however other options, not all drug addiction treatment programs are the same.
Some drug rehab centers are set up to deliver daily group counseling sessions, others will have one-on-one counseling. There are those that are based on religion and require faith to overcome one’s addiction, etc. The one chosen will greatly affect the results. Talk with our drug rehab referral counselors they know the programs and can find a suitable one for your situation and needs.
The following facts have been observed to be true about drug addiction; a) the drug addict does not want a drug addiction problem b) the observed drug addiction problem is actually a solution to an existing unwanted painful condition and c) the drug problem will not be totally solved unless the existing unwanted painful condition, emotional or physical is also addressed.
If you look closely at any person you know with a drug addiction problem you will discover that there is some underlying painful situation that has not been resolved. This can be anything from the loss of a pet to a full-blown messy divorce. Drugs and alcohol tend to bring temporary relief, at least until it wears off, then more and more drugs are taken, the body becomes dependent thus the resulting new problem; drug addiction.
A drug addiction problem can be resolved by calling our drug rehab referral counselors today. Let us help find the right drug rehab center in Canada to address your specific needs; we know how to match people and drug rehabs; call now, lets us help.