1 888-488-8434
Referral Service
Private Treatment Centers
in Canada
To get help today, if you are looking for a Kitchener drug rehab center, call to speak with one of our referral counselors. Our focus is on helping anyone suffering from substance abuse find a good, affordable drug treatment center suitable to their situation.
We believe that too many people suffer from this affliction, including families, friends, and co-workers. Call us for a confidential consultation at this number.
1 888-488-8434
Toll-free Number
It’s not that funded rehabs cannot help people with addictions to street drugs, alcohol, or prescription drugs. The real problem is whether they have a bed available for treatment when you call. Most of the funded drug addiction treatment centers in Kitchener or elsewhere are subject to government budget restraints. This harms the communities they try to serve. Our counselors will present some affordable alternative options to anyone who seeks immediate help in treatment.
When you call our counselor, they will give a general case assessment to learn about the level of substance abuse or alcohol addiction. There are various affordable treatment centers in Ontario and across Canada. There are options available suited to your specific situation and individual needs. Every drug addiction and alcohol abuse case is different with its own causes of addiction. Programs must address for a chance at successful sobriety.
The drug addiction problem in Kitchener can be addressed and dealt with, but it requires some understanding of drug addiction and alcohol abuse. The main thing to know is the starting point of substance abuse, and it goes something on this order. When a person experiences painful emotion, physical pain, or some bad feeling, or traumatic situation in life without having a solution, it will stick. With no solution to handle their unwanted negative emotions, drugs and alcohol are used to temporarily bring relief to the state. When the drug no longer produces the desired effect, more and more is taken, and the result is an additional negative state called drug addiction. This is a downward spiral.
Handling drug addiction requires effective treatment for substance abuse and well-structured addiction programs. If you or someone you know in Kitchener has already tried community treatment centers and is still suffering from their addiction problem, you should contact our professional referral counselors. People can overcome substance abuse. We have helped thousands of family members and their loved ones overcome the devastation caused by drug addiction with the help of a good treatment center in Canada. So end your search for a Kitchener drug rehab center and call us now!
But it starts with the decision to do something about it and follows with a call to our referral counselor, who is qualified to help guide you to the best private rehab center suited for your needs.
Call our number to have a free consultation.
To find a support group for yourself concerning somebody else’s addiction, go to the Al-Anon Ontario website or the Nar-Anon Ontario Website for a meeting near you.