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Crystal Meth

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Crystal Meth Information

Crystal Meth, also known as ice, is a highly addictive, more potent, and concentrated form of methamphetamine. A meth’s initial rush can last 30 minutes, and the high lasts up to 16 hours. In comparison, crystal meth’s effect can last 24 hours. Ice has a rock-like or glass-like appearance compared to the power form of other meth products.

Because it is the purest form of meth, ice is addictive and can cause overdoses and bring bad consequences.  It produces a ‘rush,’ creating feelings of euphoria, confidence, and a burst of energy. It is usually smoked but also can be snorted or injected.

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Symptoms or Side Effects of Ice

Crystal meth is normally clear, crystalline chunks or shiny blue-white rocks, but it can also appear as a powder.

Some negative side effects of using Crystal Meth include increased aggression and violent behaviours.

It also can include loss of appetite, mood swings, and increased blood pressure.

Some have experienced paranoid and suicidal thoughts.

Long-term effects of Crystal Meth can also be coma, brain damage, or even death.

 Medical paraphernalia.

Meth History

Methamphetamine is a manufactured stimulant. In 1893 a Japanese chemist synthesized it for the first time from another drug. Another Japanese chemist created the world’s first crystal meth in 1919 to streamline the manufacturing process.

During World War II, meth was used to keep soldiers awake. The drug was used early on in treating different ailments such as weight loss, depression, and asthma.

There are a few products today that contain the drug. It usually comes in tablet form. It is prescribed for obesity and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). It’s rarely used medically and is available only by prescription.

Withdrawal Symptoms of Ice

  • Fatigue, lethargy, and excessive sleepiness.
  • Increased appetite, dry mouth, and nervousness.
  • Depression, apathy, hopelessness, and thoughts of suicide.
  • Extreme cravings for more meth.
  • Paranoia, hallucinations, and delusions.

The intense cravings during the withdrawal process decline rapidly.

Long-Term Effects

Impaired thinking-related skills is one of the symptoms one finds after recovery. The drug harms the brain, but many have recovered these skills after at least a year into recovery.

Heart disease is the second leading cause of death for meth users. Meth raises blood pressure, constricts blood vessels and speeds up the heart rate.

Meth can cause “meth mouth,” a common term used for rapid tooth decay and gum disease. It also causes extreme itchiness, leading to sores if the person picks at the skin.

Read more on crystal meth and its effects here.

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Recovering From Crystal Meth

Meth is one of the hardest drugs to overcome. Finding help for treatment is a must for anyone deciding to stop the drug. Unfortunately, individuals quitting on their own rarely make it because of the cravings, and when they do, recovery is not long-lasting. Contact us if you need help.

Source: www.history.com
