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LSD Information

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LSD Information

Forgotten Hallucinogenic Drug

LSD, or lysergic acid diethylamide is a synthetic chemical found in ergot, a fungus that infects rye grain.

The drug is a psychedelic substance and can produce significant changes in perception, mood, and thought when taken at small doses. Large doses of the drug produce severe visual and auditory hallucinations and distortions of space and time.

LSD is illegal in Canada and a Schedule III drug under the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act. Yet, it is a commonly abused drug among recreational drug users in the country.

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LSD on blotter paper
LSD on Blotter paper.
LSD liquid in bottle and blotter paper
Liquid LSD bottle and blotter paper.

LSD, What Is It, and What Does it Look Like

LSD is a powerful hallucinogenic drug that has creates unpredictable effects. On the street, LSD is also known as:

  • Dots
  • Acid
  • Blotter
  • Window pane
  • Mellow Yellow
  • California sunshine

In its pure form, the drug looks like a white, odorless, slightly bitter crystalline powder. LSD is often sold as small squares of blotter paper, which contain at least one dose of LSD, and it is commonly taken by mouth.

Additionally, it is also sold as a powder or as capsules and tablets. The powder is often formed into miniature pellets called microdots.

The LSD crystals can be dissolved into liquid, or the liquid can be applied to various substances like sugar cubes, gum, candy, or cookies.

LSD is very rarely inhaled or injected, and it is quite dangerous to use LSD intravenously.

The Physical and Psychological Effects of LSD

The effects of LSD are felt gradually, and it can take between 30 minutes and one hour before the effects kick in.

LSD impacts a person in specific ways, but the overall effects vary from one individual to the next, and much of the effects depend on underlying issues, such as physical or psychological conditions.

LSD can affect your mind in specific ways:

  • It causes changes in senses, moods, and thoughts.
  • LSD creates distorted perceptions of the world around you.
  • The drug alters the way you hear, taste, feel, and smell.
  • LSD also mixes up the senses causing a person to hear colors and see sounds.

The effects of LSD are often unpredictable, and it can produce vivid hallucinations causing things to appear that are not real. The effects of the hallucinations depend on the amount of LSD consumed, individual mood, and surroundings.

Any of the deaths associated with LSD are usually a result of accidents because of the hallucinations.

 The Physical Effects of LSD Vary

Depending on the amount taken and underlying health conditions, the physical effects of LSD vary and can include some of the following:

  • Sweating and dizziness
  • Sleeplessness and tremors
  • Dilated pupils
  • Loss of appetite, dry mouth, and nausea
  • Decreased coordination and weakness
  • Increased blood pressure and heart rate
  • Increased body temperature

The Long-Term Effects of LSD are Significant

Anyone who has used LSD long-term knows of the lingering effects, even years after the drug has stopped.

The drug can have long-lasting effects on the mind and emotional well-being. The more significant long-term effects include paranoia, psychosis, flashbacks, and depression.

Flashbacks are particularly common among LSD users, and when these flashbacks persist, it is known as Hallucinogen Persisting Perception Disorder. This disorder is rare but is known to occur.

Psychotic reactions are another long-term risk, and anyone with underlying mental health conditions is predisposed to this risk.

Treating LSD Drug Abuse

Generally, LSD is a recreational drug used in combination with other drugs. Overall, it does not cause physical dependence. However, individuals can become tolerant of the drug and addicted to the psychological effects.

Treating LSD drug abuse still involves detox, residential rehab, and adequate aftercare support. There are no severe withdrawal symptoms, and detox is minimal unless other drugs are involved. The rehabilitation process should include holistic therapy.

Aftercare support is critical and helps anyone recovering from addiction maintain sobriety. Long-term LSD users often need lengthier long-term aftercare support, especially if there are lingering effects.