1 888-488-8434
Referral Service
Private Treatment Centers
in Canada
More often than not, a serious problem comes up when a person says, “I can quit on my own.” Professional referral counsellors will hear this from family members that call to help substance abusers. The family member will tell us, after the initial call, that their son, daughter, husband, or wife decided to stop drugs on their own. Unfortunately, the family member agrees to this. Which often has very negative consequences. The story goes pretty much like this in many families.
1 888-488-8434
Toll-free Number
The day has come. You have decided that enough is enough, and you need to address your son’s or daughter’s substance abuse. Maybe you knew about it and thought it would handle itself. Possibly your child was still in school just experimenting with the use of alcohol or other mind-altering drugs. But it got out of hand, and now you decided it was the time to deal with it.
Many parents will simply find the “right time” to speak to the addict about their abuse. Even if your intentions are good, it does not guarantee that the addict will be ready to listen or act. But when you get a moment to sit with your loved one to talk about their use of mind-altering substances, chances are they will be quite agreeable. This is especially true if it’s a minor or someone who has not yet lost their respect for you. The person will most likely be very ashamed and regretful of their actions and tell you that they will change. There is a good chance that you will buy into their “I’m so sorry and will now change.” Once this has been said and your guard is down, they will begin their abuse with more caution not to raise suspicion.
Addiction is basically a habit that the person has lost control over and can no longer give it up. No matter the consequences. Stopping substance abuse can be quite painful, physically and emotionally. Sooner or later, you and your family will put your foot down and intervene. Giving the person an ultimatum and telling them they’re going to treatment. In many situations, the addict will be very defensive and may counter this decision of yours. This is especially true if the person is dependent on you or the family for their food, shelter, and personal existence.
But their reluctance is simply based on the fear of the unknown regarding rehab and living without drugs or alcohol. At this point, the person with substance abuse will offer up a solution to avoid leaving the comforts of his location. This solution is that they will attempt to convince mom, dad, and any other member of the family that they can quit on their own. Unfortunately, too many relatives agree with this proposition.
Depending on the severity of the abuse, the pain and sometimes the life-threatening side effects of withdrawal are not easily faced by parents. Withdrawal is only properly dealt with by professionals in the field. We strongly advise that any family member dealing with addiction seek a professional health care provider. If only to safely withdraw them from mind-altering drugs (street drugs or medical drugs) or alcohol. For further aid, you can contact a referral counsellor to help you with this issue; call or request a callback.