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A New Outlook on the Opioid Crisis

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It would appear that the opiate crisis can be read, heard and watched at every turn. How is it that suddenly, in this day and age of knowledge, we, as a civilization, are plagued with such a life-killing substance? For all intents and purposes, one could easily state that this happened due to various haphazard circumstances. Yet, when one looks closer at the sequence of events, there is a very different aspect to this “opioid crisis.”

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Substances and Use Over the Ages

Substance abuse has been around man’s evolution since the first hunter-gatherers. Over time, certain substances have become more desirable than others, as can be seen in a shaman’s medical application or a priest’s religious use. Yet, in our present society, we find people using these mind-altering substances recreationally.

 Medical paraphernalia.

Modern Day Relief

People intentionally attempt to alter their present state of mind and body. And yet, when asked about their reasons, very few can precisely respond to their motives for using. Then, there are cases across the country where we find individuals suffering from physical ailments and looking for help. Only to receive an improper diagnosis or little, if any, cure; the result is more suffering. Yet, as we progress through man’s evolution, we can discover modern chemistry working endlessly to find ways to bring relief, not a cure.

Thus, we find that using a variety of organic plants with psychotropic properties is synthesized to bring about temporary relief.

Again, look into the situation just a bit further, and you will discover that the modern solution for relief can create a new problem. More often than not, someone complaining about body pain that can’t be physically diagnosed is treated with “painkillers.” Many of these drugs are opiate-based and are very addictive. But this only explains a certain percentage of opiate abusers.

 Father and son.
 Sitting and talking.

Recreational Pleasure or Hidden Pain

What about the recreational users? What can bring a person to take such dangerous mind-altering substances and physically addictive drugs? With careful observation of this problem, one can discover that people, in general, have lost the ability to face and deal with daily life situations. Not everyone has the capacity to face the death of a close relative or an abusive childhood. Even failures and broken relations can cause a person emotional pain.

Opiate Problem and Society

Drugs are numbing agents. They numb out the source of pain; it does not cure. Opiates are strong numbing drugs, and whether it is oxycodone, morphine, heroin, fentanyl or any other opiate, the result is the same. The short-term solution rapidly turns into a life-threatening problem. The body cannot deal with the continued use of toxic substances. Each use makes the body fight off the ingested poison. The natural building blocks of a healthy body deplete as the individual uses more drugs. That explains, in part, the unhealthy appearance of those abusing opiates.

In conclusion, the culprit to this opioid epidemic is, in fact, bad education on drugs and lack of life skills. A child in this world should have good, useful tools for life. Such things as honesty, integrity, tolerance, acceptance and encouragement are the qualities of living.

When a society substitutes these for a quick-fix mind-altering drug, that society is in bad shape. We need good opiate addiction treatment programs for this society, create good and widespread prevention programs and put mandatory drug education programs for the next generation. Enough with the endless debates, so let’s act.

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