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What Causes a Person to Become Addicted to Drugs?

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You probably asked yourself, at some point, how is it that I or a relative is now addicted to a mind-altering substance? No one wakes up one morning and is suddenly addicted. 

Addiction to drugs or alcohol is a multifaceted condition shaped by a range of biological, psychological, and environmental factors. So, what causes a person to become addicted to drugs?

Reviewing and knowing the most common cause of addiction can bring about some slight change. Just by recognizing the source of your development, you can now do something about it. 

Here are some of the reasons why a person may become addicted to drugs.

1. A Person Become Addicted to Drugs
Because of Biological factor

  • Genetics:

Research shows that genetic factors can play an important role in addiction. Individuals with a family history of substance abuse may be more susceptible to developing an addiction themselves. 

Certain genetic traits can influence how a person reacts to drugs or alcohol and their likelihood of becoming addicted to drugs. This is especially predominant in women who abuse substances during pregnancy.

  • Brain Chemistry and Reward System:

Illicit drugs affect the brain’s reward system by flooding it with dopamine or other neurotransmitters that produce pleasurable sensations. 

Over time, the person may rely on the substance to feel pleasure. This situation reinforces the desire to use the drug. It makes it harder to stop being now addicted to mind-altering substances.

  • Addicted to Mind-altering Substances: Tolerance and Withdrawal:

The body tolerates the drug with repeated use, meaning higher doses are needed to achieve the same effect. 

As the brain adapts, withdrawal symptoms may occur when trying to stop using the drug, making it even more difficult to quit.

 With anxiety or depression a person can become addicted to drugs to relieve symptoms.

2 . Psychological Factors 

  • People with Mental Health Issues can get Addicted to Mind-altering Substances:

What causes abuse of a mind-altering substance can come from mental health disorders, such as anxiety, depression, or PTSD. An individual with these issues may be more vulnerable to substances.

Drugs can temporarily relieve symptoms of these conditions. The individual can use substances as a coping mechanism. The person can become addicted to drugs, which worsens mental health problems.

3 . People Become Addicted to Drugs Because of Environmental and social factors

  • Peer pressure:

Especially during adolescence, peer pressure can be a major factor in experimenting with and eventually becoming addicted to drugs. Being in a social group where substance use is normalized increases the likelihood of trying and continuing to use drugs.

  • Stress and Trauma:

Experiencing trauma, like the loss of a loved one or neglect, can increase the likelihood of turning to drugs as a form of escape. Chronic stress or difficult life situations (e.g., financial hardship or relationship issues) can also cause addiction.

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  • Availability and Access:

One cause of addiction can be easy access to illicit drugs. It can increase the likelihood of addiction. In regions where drug use is prevalent or easily accessible, individuals may be more prone to experiment and develop a habit.

4 . Learned Behavior:

  • Conditioning and Habit Formation:

Repeated drug use that creates strong associations between certain environments, people, or situations can get a person addicted to mind-altering substances.

It can lead to the development of conditioned behaviour. That is when a person uses drugs in response to certain triggers, even in the absence of a physical craving.

  • Self-medication can get you Addicted to Mind-altering Substances

Some individuals may begin using illicit substances as a way to self-medicate emotional or psychological pain. For example, someone who struggles with loneliness might use substances as a relief. Which may cause a person to become addicted to drugs.

 Smoking pot repeadtedly can be a cause of addiction.

5 . Some Become Addicted to Drugs Because of Cultural and Societal Influences:

  • Social Norms and Media:

Some cultures or social circles glamourize or normalize drug use. It can lead individuals to adopt these behaviours. Media portrayal of drug use can sometimes make it seem exciting, glamorous, or an escape, influencing people to try drugs.

  • Economic Factors:

Poverty and lack of opportunity can increase the likelihood of addiction. Individuals in economically disadvantaged areas may feel despair and may have fewer resources and support systems. This combination makes them more susceptible to becoming addicted to drugs.

In a Nutshell

A single factor rarely causes abuse of a mind-altering substance; instead, it arises from a combination of biological, psychological, environmental, and social influences. 

While some people may be more genetically predisposed to addiction, as seen in Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome (NAS), others may develop it due to life experiences, mental health issues, or environmental stressors. 

Addressing the cause of addiction requires a holistic approach that considers all these contributing factors.

Finding the right treatment approach can require some knowledge and guidance. Don’t hesitate to call if you need help.