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Drug and Alcohol Rehab Halifax

Private Addiction Recovery Programs 

Searching for a drug and alcohol rehab in Halifax, Nova Scotia? Are you finding it difficult to find a facility with quick intake? Or, are you looking for a private addiction recovery? In all three cases, we can assist.

Drug and alcohol addiction can be very hard to live with. That is true for the addicted person as well as their surroundings. The fact that most public access rehabs have wait lists just adds to the situation. We understand. And that is the main reason we recommend looking into private services. Maybe you want funded services, in that case, please visit our provincial contact page here.

We are independent referral counsellors, we do not represent any specific treatment center. We work with you to find solutions for the person you want to help. You can find out more about us here.

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1 888-488-8434
Toll-free Number

 A person helping another one up a hill

Substance Use Disorder Consultation Halifax

With our years of experience in the field of rehabilitation for substance misuse, we can answer your questions. Whether your questions are for services available in Halifax or how to assist the person you’re trying to help. Our consultation service can guide you in getting through to a person who needs help.

We also provide assessments, either to evaluate the level care a person may need or if there is an addiction at all. When a person wants to enter a drug or alcohol rehab in Halifax they need to undergo an assessment to determine the service best suited to them. This action is automatically made before admission to a center whether in Halifax or elsewhere regardless of a paid service or a funded one.

Finding the Right Addiction Recovery Service in Halifax

Care Level and Addiction Severity

The care level in rehabs in Halifax varies. Facilities offer different levels of care based on the severity of a person’s addiction, their medical and psychological needs. These levels range from intensive medical supervision to more flexible outpatient support. Here are some of the addiction recovery services offered:

  • Medical Detox, for longstanding addictions, or for people with medical situations.
  • Residential (Inpatient) Treatment, for people needing a more structured environment.
  • Outpatient Program, Addiction Counselling or Coaching, for light cases of addictions.
  • Sober Living Homes, once a person finished a program and needs a drug-free environment.
  • Aftercare & Support Groups, which includes many different services.

You can find out more about some of these services here.

Drug and Alcohol Rehab Halifax & Intervention Types

Drug and alcohol interventions are structured sessions that help individuals struggling with substance abuse. The main reason is to have them recognize their problem and accept treatment. 

There are two main types of interventions.

The First Type of Intervention

The first would be a simple intervention. It translate into a one-on-one conversation where a close friend, family member, or professional expresses concern and suggests treatment. More on this type here,

Young man refusing help for addiction recovery.

The Second Type

The second model of intervention is a session structured and organized by a professional interventionist. The session includes family members, friends and people the addicted person respects.

The focus point of the session is to motivate and encourage the person to seek help from a drug or alcohol rehab in Halifax, for their own and the good of people around them. It’s a well thought out and precise plan.

More on intervention here.

Support for Families with Addiction in Halifax

When someone in the family has a severe addiction, whether to alcohol or other drugs, life becomes difficult. It is recommended that families get involved in groups like Nar-Anon or Al-Anon.

These family groups provide meaningful support to people connected to an addicted individual.

It helps reduce stress, guilt, and frustration it also provide practical tools to cope with addiction’s effects. It is a judgment-free environment composed of people who understand and have been through it.

With these groups, healing and personal growth can occur before the addicted person gets to a treatment. Please visit their website for more information.

Drug and alcohol rehab consultant on the phone.

If you Need Help

Choosing a Drug or Alcohol Rehab in Halifax

You can give us a call. Our counsellor will do case assessment and talk about the different options there are for you or the person you want to help. They will propose appropriate facilities and programs and help you connect with them.

Please keep in mind that we aid across Nova Scotia, so the best fitted rehab may be outside Halifax. Also, we do not have provincial limits. 

For example, if the person lives in another province we can still find an addiction recovery program there as we help across Canada.
