1 888-488-8434
Referral Service
Private Treatment Centers
in Canada
If you are searching for a Kirkland drug rehab center in the private sector, call our toll-free line for help. Our referral counsellors are available to help you locate an affordable treatment center serving Kirkland. We do not represent any facility.
We are independent agents, and we work for you. We can assist you through the process and help you find affordable solutions for sobriety. We work with families across the country to find affordable solutions.
1 888-488-8434
Toll-free Number
There are many reasons to choose a none public sector resource. Most private centers have a short and easy admission process. That allows the recovery process to start sooner and prevents possible drug overdose or alcohol poisoning concerns.
We have many years of experience in the field and a working knowledge of what service best suits each individual. We offer personalized addiction recovery guidance.
Not every drug user needs the service of a residential drug or alcohol treatment program. Determining the best option for a person lies in the degree of addiction and certain other factors.
A recreational user may come to a point where they feel control slipping away. However, the person might still function in everyday life and have some control. Such a person could benefit from addiction counselling or a community program in Kirkland.
Another option is an online coaching service. It is a one-on-one service received in your home in Kirkland with a Drug and Alcohol Treatment Specialist.
Finding the right treatment program is a crucial step in recovery. You may have to attend a center outside the Kirkland area. In fact, being away from the region where the person uses substances can be therapeutic.
Other criteria in choosing a rehab center are the philosophy, lifestyle and recovery needs of the addicted person. A method that makes sense to the individual and that addresses the right issues is a must.
Addiction treatment plans are standard throughout the country, including Kirkland. These are:
You can read about the drug and alcohol treatment methods available in Canada.
Our page on different subjects concerning addiction may help you understand and get through to the person. Talking to them is the first step to take. After several attempts, done with patience and perseverance, they may respond favourably.
However, it will require more work if the person refuses to see the problem, refuses to talk and keeps wrecking their life. A family can plan an intervention by following some guidelines. Or you may want to call a professional Interventionist.
Addicts can quickly change their minds, so choosing a rehabilitation center beforehand is crucial. And most private drug and alcohol rehab centers have Interventionists or are associated with one.
When you call, our referral counsellor will ask questions about the person you want to help. They will do this to determine the addiction level and any other life situation that needs addressing. Once the information is at hand, they can guide you toward the best service for the person.
They will keep in contact with you until the person is scheduled to arrive at a treatment centre. Also, another centre can be suggested and contacted if that one doesn’t work out. You can call us at any phase for assistance.