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1 888-488-8434

Addiction Recovery Coaching Invitation

Referral Service to
Private Treatment Centers in Canada

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Why Coaching?

No time for residential treatment? 

But still need help with substance abuse?

This service is for people still functioning in their daily affairs but looking for help in a discreet and convenient format.


1 888-488-8434
Toll-Free Number

Work related meeting

Can’t leave your business

An executive or manager may have too many obligations to leave for an extended time.

Read about our recovery coaching.

Can’t afford the cost of private drug rehab?

Despite affordable private residential programs, the cost may be way beyond the ability to pay. The alternative could be Online recovery coaching.

Learn more about our recovery coaching.

Money and budget


Can’t leave family unattended? 

A parent who still has children at home is a candidate for Online recovery coaching. 

Learn more about our recovery coaching.

Yet, despite all the above, you know you need to do something about it. This service can be your solution!

Online Addiction Recovery Coaching

What makes this recovery coaching UNIQUE?
  • You discover who YOU are and your unlimited potential
  • You find out about your personal sub-divisions of living
  • You overcome the suffering resulting in positive control & decision
  • Each session leaves you with life skills to hold your sobriety
  • And much, much more…