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OxyContin — Oxycodone

Oxycodone Information

OxyContin is a brand name for the drug Oxycodone—derived from opiates, a pain-relieving medicine prescribed by doctors. This addictive drug prescribed for moderate to severe pain has made headlines in the last few decades.

The Canadian government removed Oxycodone from the market in 2012. A new, less crushable version came out, called OxyNeo. Recreational users obtain and use Oxycodone to experience its euphoric effects. The increased use of prescription Oxycodone by recreational users has generated more overdose deaths than either heroin or cocaine in North America.

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Oxycodone an Opioids

An opioid is a synthetic or partly synthetic drug, parts of it or the whole can not be found in nature it is partly or fully man-made. Common opioids are Demerol, Methadone, Percocet, Oxycodone, and heroin to name a few.

An opiate is a drug that comes from the opium poppy flower and can be found in nature. Common opiates are morphine and codeine; both are directly made from the poppy plant.

Canada is the second-highest consumer of opiates in the world; this includes the prescription opioid Oxycodone, which comes in other forms combine with other ingredients or drugs.

Oxycodone High

The effects of Oxycodone is a slightly euphoric state of mind and warm feeling it is possible to get high on Oxycodone even if you are taking the drug as prescribed. It can slightly lift your mood and lessens your anxiety.

Oxycodone works by blocking pain messages to the brain so the drug temporarily stops feelings of physical pain. It makes the user drowsy.

Side Effects

Oxycodone comes with negative side effects which include;

    • nausea and
    • constipation
    • trouble breathing

Oxycodone Allergy

Some people have allergic reactions to this drug, allergy symptoms include;

    • rash around the mouth
    • tightening of the throat or
    • swelling of the throat and mouth

Seek immediate help if these symptoms appear.

The Forms of Oxycodone

Oxycodone can be provided as a stand-alone medication and can also be found in other medications as its main ingredient. Here are some examples:

  • Oxycodone in combination with nonmedical fillers will have the name of OxyContin, Roxicodone, and OxyIR.
  • Oxycodone combined with aspirin is called Percodan, Endodan, and Roxiprin
  • Oxycodone combined with ibuprofen is Combunox
  • Oxycodone combined with acetaminophen (sometimes called paracetamol) is Percocet, Endocet, Tylox, and Roxicet.

If you were prescribed any of these medications use them sparingly, their potential for dependency is high.

Street names

Cotton, Hillbilly Heroin, Kicker, OCs, Ox, Os, Oxy, Pills, 40, 40-Bar, 80.

A few facts on Oxycodone:

    • Oxycodone is highly addictive
    • If consumed in high dosage a medical Detox can be necessary
    • OxyContin is a time-release pain reliever that can be crushed to by-pass the time-release agent.
    • Considered a “legal heroin” because of its chemical similarity to heroin and just as deadly and hard to kick. Both have a high potential for addiction, tolerance, and dependence.
    • Oxycodone mimics the effects heroin has on the body and mind
    • Because heroin is cheaper and more readily available than Oxys addicted people will interchange them depending on the availability.
    • Oxycodone Withdrawal is painful, less than 5 percent succeed others will go back to it or will end up on other forms of opiates.
    • Doctors are not trained in pharmacology and base their decision to prescribe opioids on the information given by the manufacturer.
    • Buying oxycodone pills on the street (with unknown origins) can be dangerous because they can contain toxic impurities and the pills sometimes do not have the dosage they say they have so the person will take more to have the desired high. If and when the person gets the opportunity for prescription oxys with the same “milligrams’ as they did with the street drug there is a danger of overdose.
    • Death and addiction caused by prescription opioids are an epidemic surpassing those of illicit drugs.


If you are experiencing Oxycodone withdrawal symptoms or any other opioids such as hydrocodone, Percocet, Percodan, etc., or if you have tried to stop but can not do it on your own, call us.