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Drug & Alcohol Rehab Edmonton

Private Treatments

Are you looking for a drug and alcohol rehab in Edmonton? Do you need help finding the best rehab centers across Alberta and Canada?

We deal mainly in private facilities and do not represent any particular treatment center; we are independent agents working with families. You can find out more about us here.

There are affordable and good-quality rehabs, and we aim to match the person to the best possible facility.

Not everyone needs long-term rehab, and some may need addiction counselling. Our years of experience and knowledge can guide you, and we can give you unbiased information. We offer our services across Alberta.

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Finding the Right Addiction Service in Edmonton

The need for addiction services varies a lot. There is no “one-size-fits-all” in this field. Because someone’s addiction can be in the beginning stages, one may only need addiction counselling. One can find help on the Alberta Health Services website. Coaching services also exist. You can get more control over your consumption at a distance. Coaching services in the comfort of your home in Edmonton.

Depending on the drug of choice, finding a drug and alcohol rehab in Edmonton can be a hit or miss. For example, someone with a long-term addiction should receive a long-term residential treatment. There is also the detox part; for example, who needs medical detox?

 A man drinking alcohol alone.

A Note on Alcohol Use and Addiction

Alcohol addiction has been more widespread since the pandemic, and we receive more calls for this substance now than ever before. It isn’t hard to determine why. The stay-at-home protocol, the closing of stores, except the alcohol stores in many provinces, was a disaster waiting to happen.

Alcohol abuse can sneak up on an individual; those who drank moderately became daily users; after all, what else is there to do? Alcohol, the most dominant drug on the planet, is hard to quit. Does your drinking require help from an alcohol rehab in Edmonton? Below are articles on this substance.

Drug and Alcohol Rehab Edmonton Addiction Intervention

Sometimes, the situation gets out of hand, and the family is at a loss. Here is some information that may help you help the person.

However, when all has been done, and the person refuses to acknowledge the problem, a professional interventionist can be a solution. A private drug and alcohol rehab often offers this service.

Setting up a rehab beforehand is wise when doing or using an intervention service. Once the person says, “Okay, I’m ready to go,” you have a small window of opportunity, so things should be ready and done quickly. A person with an addiction can change their mind rapidly, especially when withdrawal symptoms start to show.

 Helping hand for rehab Edmonton and addiction.

Guidance for Families with Addiction

Life becomes difficult when a member of the family has a severe addiction, whether to alcohol or other drugs. Often, the other members find that all the attention is on the sibling or parent with the substance use disorder. It can make family life rather unbearable.

We suggest that families get involved in groups like Nar-Anon or Al-Anon. These groups offer support from people living in the same situation. They offer new viewpoints, coping mechanisms, and understanding. When you have to deal with someone’s addiction, you need solid ground. Many feel helpless and alone. That is not the case. Please visit their website below to find a meeting near you.

Nar-Anon Edmonton website      Al-Anon & Alateen Online Meeting

When You Call for Help

For a Drug and Alcohol Rehab for Edmonton

You can call or request a callback from Edmonton. A referral counsellor will take your call. They will start by asking questions about the person you want to help. This action allows them to evaluate the level of care the person needs.

Once the referral counsellor has all the information, they will suggest treatment options. They will give you information about each and determine the best drug rehab for the person. After discussing options and choosing a facility, the referral counsellor will have the drug and alcohol rehab call you in Edmonton.

You can ask any other questions you have. When all is good, the admission process will start. If the facility is not to your satisfaction, we can suggest another one and get them to call you. We help families across Canada, so location is not a restriction for us.