1 888-488-8434
Referral Service
Private Treatment Centers
in Canada
If you are searching for a Yukon detox center and finding a waitlist, we can help by finding a private detox center. There are few spots available for adults in the public access area and fewer for struggling youths. That explains the waitlist for services. Though it is most likely possible, you can’t wait one more day. Contact our experienced drug and alcohol referral specialist if this is your situation. They will be able to assess the present situation and propose options for private detox centers outside the Yukon. There are many private detox treatment facilities available across the country. We can help find the one that is most suited to your situation and needs.
1 888-488-8434
Toll-free Number
Before any detox service, it is essential to gain some willingness on the person’s part in Yukon. In many cases, the person says yes, they want help. But when you try to get them into treatment, their yes quickly becomes why they can’t. Most substance abusers will fear detox mostly because of the unknown consequences of quitting.
Firstly, because life without substances is something they can’t face, they started drugs or alcohol for a reason. This reason might be unknown to them, but it does exist. Also, for those who abuse opiates, the side effects of stopping can cause great. And withdrawal from alcohol can be unpleasant for the person, not to mention life-threatening.
All detox programs in the private sector are overseen by an addiction specialist. In a regular (non-medical) detox, the person is put on medication to help ease the discomfort, depending on the drug of choice and other factors. The period of detoxification can be from one week to seven days. The length of time can vary from person to person.
People with pre-existing medical conditions, long-standing alcohol use, or certain drugs would require a medical detox. This would involve health care practitioners and 24/7 supervision and monitoring.
Talk to one of our referral counsellors for more details and options in Yukon. Please realize that the person will not benefit from any other form of treatment or counselling without doing this step. Drugs, like alcohol, need to be out of the way first. Then counselling can occur. We strongly recommend attending a drug or alcohol rehab program once detox is complete. This will only aid the person in staying sober for any length of time.
To find a Yukon detox, it is best to speak with someone who knows what is available. An addiction referral counsellor is a person well experienced in the field who knows what exists and where. They will give you options for centers that will be able to service your particular situation and needs. If you do not believe that the problem is that serious, please consider that people die from overdoses or bad drugs every day. The main point is to seek help. Addiction does not take time off. There are hundreds of people that work in this field, specifically for Yukon residents. Call our referral counsellor who are standing by to take your call.