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Drug and Alcohol Intervention

Treatment Refusal and Home Intervention

Refusing addiction treatment is often seen in the field of drug or alcohol rehabilitation. It does not matter if the drug-addicted person is your mother, brother, girlfriend, cousin, close friend, or you. There are specific reasons why one refuses admission to a drug and alcohol rehab centre or refuses any other form of help. Despite the many positive arguments and the harmful consequences of their addiction, they still refuse rehab. Why?

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Addiction and Drug Rehabilitation Centre Goals

A person, unless born from an addicted mother, didn’t have a dependency. At birth, substance abuse didn’t exist. The person chose somewhere along the line to do drugs or alcohol. It became a solution to an otherwise unresolved problem or unwanted feeling. Drug rehabilitation is directed at helping the drug-addicted person review their life to weigh the pros & cons. Somewhere in the process, most addiction counsellors hope to achieve a specific goal with their patients. That goal is that the person realizes that with hard work, life is possible without drugs or alcohol. Finding the weaknesses of the individual and building it up much as a trainer would build up muscles.

A Feeling of Loss and Control

But the truth is that in any addiction treatment process, there is a sense of loss. The person loses a way of life, gives up their solution to feeling better and starts facing life sober. Scary! There is this haunting feeling of losing control and being unable to survive. It doesn’t matter who you are or what drug addiction treatment process you go through; this will occur during recovery.

The person senses this feeling of loss even before drug rehabilitation begins. A drug-addicted person will feel this each time they need their next fix. First off, it must be stated that drugs of any kind are poisons. They are not naturally compatible with our body’s structure. Drug use or alcohol abuse destroys body tissue at a cellular level and drains the nutritional reserves, slowly killing the body. A bigger dose of drugs hides this dying feeling while it continues to destroy.

Drug Intervention Response

So, when you come up to a loved one and ask them to get help or go to rehab, you’re asking them to give up the only thing that hides the feeling of death. Just the thought of not having that next scotch or line of coke brings forth the fear of death, resulting in refusal. When family members have tried to do something and the results are unfavorable, there exist professionals to help.

Other Refusal Reasons in Drug Intervention

Another aspect of refusal in your intervention for drug rehabilitation is the underlying issues. As mentioned above, the substance became a solution to an unresolved problem or unwanted feeling—their inability to cope with issues that brought about the drug or alcohol abuse in the first place. In many addiction cases, the person’s solution to life issues is the use of mind-altering substances.

The Reasons for Life Skills and Rehabilitation

That is why many drug addiction treatment centres offer programs to help deal with different subject matters. Life skills like parenting, social interactions, choosing friends, or simple communication are often on the curriculum. When you tell a loved one, “it’s time to face the facts and get help, go to a drug addiction treatment centre,” you’re telling them to give up the only solution they have for their underlying and unwanted condition, resulting in refusal.

Setting up a Professional Drug Intervention

The best option for refusal would be to seek professional help, especially if the situation is serious and time-sensitive. If the person is not in remand or the ER, then you should contact a referral counsellor. Get informed on the ways to get an addict to open up and become knowledgeable and determined in this action. There is also professional help for drug intervention. If you need help setting one up, call our counsellors today, they can help.