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Drug Addiction Crime

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Drug addiction leads to drug busts in Cornwall, southern Ontario and Quebec

Once again drug addicts attempting to climb the toxic corporation of drug trafficking have fallen short on their way up the ladder. We’ve seen recent drug addiction crime in Cornwall and others across the nation.

The culprits probably started off with just a joint or some liquor to find their need for the effects increased each day and each week. As their drug addiction increases so does the cost to maintain their addiction. Then after a few close calls with the law from petty crimes, it only escalates to begin drug trafficking.

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First, Just to Cover the Cost

Usually, it starts small just to cater to the needs of close drug abuser buddies and it helps to cover their own drug use. But soon the money begins to roll in and then the drug addiction takes on a different level of use.

The amount required to get high no longer suffices and must be increased. There are crack addicts and cocaine users that will go through many grams of their drug of choice just to get to the point of being high again, this can cost several hundred dollars a day.

 A man being arrested.

Drug Addiction Crime & Lifestyle

In order to keep up with their daily demand for drugs and the expensive lifestyle, because let’s face it, it’s not like the drug dealer is depositing a paycheck every week. 

So many of the transactions are cash a sale, the idea is to have no paper trail. Many drug dealers will be seen with big flat-screen TVs, swimming pools, two cars, a boat, off-road vehicles, etc. All this money is made off of other people’s weaknesses. 

But once caught and in most cases, they do get caught, it’s the end of the joy ride and all is lost, taken away and resold at auctions.

 Father and son.
 Sitting and talking.

It’s a Hard Road 

Drug rehab counsellors encounter ex-drug dealers every day. The difference now is the dealer who felt like he or she was unstoppable and can control anyone is now faced with the fact that they have a drug addiction problem and need help. It’s a hard road back to social living and helping one’s fellow man instead of destroying them.

An addicted person must come to terms with their misdeeds. This includes realizing the hundreds of lives that have been affected by their actions of selling crack or methamphetamines to someone who used to be a father to an eight-year-old son and was married once to a lovely woman, etc., etc.

When a Drug Busts One

Here are some straight facts, when the police bust some drug dealer of importance, two things can happen, a) another simply takes over that dealer’s district or b) the drug addicts simply move off to another dealer. Here is another truth to look at, every time you go out and buy some pot, coke or crack you are helping to harm hundreds of family and friends. 

Also, each time you sell a gram of crack, coke or pot to someone you are actually destroying hundreds of people’s lives, simply by the side effects of drug addiction and drug addiction crimes in our society.

Help is Available

If you are someone you know has been busted for drug trafficking and is now wanting to get out of the drug scene, call one of our drug addiction counsellors, they can refer you to the right drug rehab program that will give you a chance at recovery.

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