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Legalize Hard Drugs

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Legalizing Hard Drugs

Legalize or not, is that the question

Anyone who has struggled with a drug addiction can attest to the consequences of using drugs of whatever kind. Most of us are aware that individuals in our present society have succeeded in convincing enough people in some states and certain countries to legalize marijuana. As foreseen last year it would not be long before this subject was brought to the doorsteps of our own Canadian government.

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The inset of a Law

Most laws are brought about by pressure groups, lobbyists and of course courts of justice. If a defence attorney’s argument about legalizing marijuana is so compelling in a courtroom and the prosecution is not as eloquent then the judge is somewhat bound to go with the more convincing argument. This is not a question of whether it is right or wrong, legal or not legal, good or bad; it simply is our present justice system.

Marijuana & Controversy on Legalizing

Marijuana has been around since the time before the Pharos. Many cultures used its potent ingredient, THC, for medicinal purposes or religious rites. None of which by the way were done on a daily basis. Marijuana and its active ingredient, THC has also been the forerunner of addiction for many addicts to stronger drugs like cocaine, crack, oxys and ecstasy etc.

With all the controversy about Marijuana and whether to legalize it or not in Canada, we tend to omit the real issues underlying it all and the philosophy that shaped our country. The fact that Marijuana has been shown to have certain medicinal factors as mentioned above is not unknown, the only difference is the amount of diagnosed conditions to which marijuana is prescribed.

Weigh out the Benefits &Harm

The real issue that should be understood is what makes something good or bad. Courts and governments need to weigh out the benefits and harm of marijuana, not only for themselves but for all aspects of life. Any one of us can ask the question “is marijuana beneficial?” and then weigh this question for you, then your family, kids, wife, etc, your co-workers, employers, productivity and also for mankind in general. If it causes more harm than good then you can conclude it is bad.


There is “No Coming Back”

Once a drug is legalized, no matter how many rules you add to its legalization it’s only a matter of time before it becomes as recreation as alcohol. And we all know the trouble our society has with alcohol. Is the question about marijuana really a legal or not legal question or is it more about benefits and harms?

Should marijuana be legal or not legal in Canada? Just visit any of the thousands of drug addiction treatment centers across Canada and talk to the counsellors and recovering addicts. The answer to the question will become quite clear.

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