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Spring Weather and Pot Clouds

As winter weather is at its end across Canada, we see beautiful spring weather seemingly increasing drug use. All across Canada, in large cities and small towns, local pubs and bistros open up the terraces for customers to enjoy food, drink and the occasional joint with friends.

With each passing season, society has become more complacent and more tolerant of drug use in their environment.

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The Hibernation is Over

With spring weather, people are leaving the hibernation den of indoor drug use and moving out to the open air, where you can see their every move in our parks, streets, sidewalks, local bistros, and cafes.

There was a time not that long ago when a drug user would search out hidden allies and dark shrubs to get their fix.

Now, you can go to almost any park and find someone smoking a joint or doing some other drug.

 Big white cloud.

Winter Vs. Spring

Spring weather doesn’t actually increase drug use; the drug use problem is always present. Winter months simply hide it from our sight. Now that spring is here, the long sunny days make drug use more visible.

Just the other day, I observed a young mother out in a park with her young child playing a nice game of ball. Not twenty feet away, four young adults were sitting at a picnic table, passing around two large joints. 

As I watched the scene unfold, I could see big puffs of pot smoke drifting away toward this young mother and child. The last thing you want is some stray marijuana smoke cloud drifting towards your child. The mother had to end her game and move her child away.

 Friends at picnic table.
 Sitting and talking.

Why did she have to move and not the four teenagers? Why hadn’t the mother told them to leave? They did not appear dangerous or uneducated; they were fairly well-groomed and well-dressed, and their complexion seemed okay. Yet the mother chose not to deal with them and moved off elsewhere.

Pot’s Acceptability

As marijuana becomes more “acceptable” in our society, the more we will be required to bow down to its existence. Being drug-free is the correct rationale. Using drugs is irrational; drugs are poisons. Drugs are not a natural occurrence in the physiology of the human species. Taking drugs disrupts the natural function of the body, mind and spirit.

Next time you’re somewhere and a pot cloud approaches you, don’t move. Tell that person you don’t want a pot cloud in your environment and get others to agree. Your message is so much stronger with two or more voices; it gives agreement and reality.

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