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Other  Methods

There are many other approaches to addiction treatment. Here are a few more. Don’t hesitate to call our toll-free number or request a callback for a consultation; we are there to help. Below, you will find other rehabilitation methods.

There are many other types in existence, but these are the better known. Please keep in mind that the community addiction services will not deliver all of these. If you need help choosing which program is right for your needs, please call us today.

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Regular detox program (non-medical)

Regular detox is a method by which a person will stop using their particular drug of choice. In most cases, the person receives a daily interview to see how they are doing. The personnel will often encourage them as they go through their detox. In many centers, the person may get certain medications to assist in their withdrawal symptoms. This type of detox will normally take between 3 to 10 days. More on this treatment here.

Short-term Rehabs

When referring to short-term rehab, it refers to a short stay within the facility of 21 to 28 days. These programs deal with addiction in various ways, including 12-step programs, nutritional programs, counselling, and more. Generally speaking, a person receives a medical exam and an addiction assessment before entering the program.

Day and night program

These treatment programs are not residential. While living at home, the person attends meetings and substance abuse counselling sessions on a five or seven-period schedule. The person takes part in this either in the daytime or evenings. It works well for those who cannot stop working or work the night shift. Depending on the service, delivery will vary, and it is important you assess what you want to achieve in your recovery. You can get more information on the day and night program, here.

Cognitive-behavioural treatment (CBT)

The goal of the cognitive method is to overcome addiction by changing the person’s habits and viewpoints. Through various exercises and educational means, the addicted person changes their way of thinking. These methods aim to change the person’s behaviour toward drugs and alcohol. Outpatient and residential programs use this type of approach. Find out more about cognitive-behavioural therapy.

Methadone maintenance treatment for Opioid (MMT)

The methadone maintenance program is a treatment program that entails a long-term prescription of methadone. It is taken every day to alleviate withdrawal symptoms and prevent the effect of opioids.Prescribed to the person as a replacement of the drug (opioid) on which the client was addicted. A complete methadone maintenance program will also dispense counselling, case management, and other medical services.

Our referral counsellors can help you determine the best course of action for that person you want to help. Living with addiction is not easy for the addicted person or their family. We can work together to find solutions.